An October Gloria

I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but early October in southern Britain can be one of the loveliest times of the year, and mornings the loveliest times of the day. The worst heat of summer (if we’ve had any) has past but the bitterness of winter hasn’t yet arrived; the air is mild and clear and the skies often almost cloudless (at least when it isn’t foggy).

These mornings, which pass too soon, always fill me with quiet joy and a sense that all will be well. For me it seems somehow that God is hiding just beyond the translucent veil of sky, shining through the beauty of the morning light.

So (although the clouds have already closed in today), here’s a short October Gloria:

Glory to you, Lord, in the loveliness of this October morning.
Glory to you in the dawning of the dying light;
Glory to you in the rising of the surprising sun;
Glory to you in the vapour trails drawing crosses in the shining sky;
Glory to you in the quiet early-morning streets of the waking city;
Glory to you in the morning faces of its sleep-walking bus-waiters.

Glory to you in the rainbow-glitter dew,
Each blade of grass bedecked in bridal beauty;
Glory to you in the flights of gulls and starlings,
Writing secret messages upon the still, clear air;
Glory to you in the kingly splendour of the sun ascending to his noonday throne;
Glory to you in the gentle haze that kindly cloaks the distant city.

Glory to you, Lord, in the bright beauty of this October day.

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About TheEvangelicalLiberal

Aka Harvey Edser. I'm a web editor, worship leader, wannabe writer, very amateur composer and highly unqualified armchair theologian. My heroes include C.S. Lewis and Homer Simpson.
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