Is the Bible inerrant?

Let’s say for argument’s sake that the Bible is inspired in some sense. Does this mean that every word, every clause, every comma of Scripture must be 100% accurate, inerrant and divinely-ordained?

I don’t believe so. To imply inerrancy from inspiration is, I believe, to confuse two entirely different and unrelated ideas. It’s also demanding that the Bible conform to our standards of accuracy and perfection, rather than that we accept it on its own terms.

What do we mean by inerrancy? That there are no mistakes or errors in the Bible? I could possibly affirm this if we meant no divine mistakes, but certainly not if we mean no human mistakes. The Bible is riddled with human authorial and scribal errors. However, it’s just conceivable that God intended these human flaws to be there, or more likely is content for them to be there.

Scriptural discrepancies

My own belief in a perfect, coherent and inerrant Scripture started to unravel when I read the four gospels closely side by side. They simply couldn’t be reconciled in a number of key places. Jesus said or did quite different things according to the different sources; his entire meaning was different at times. The same events or speeches as reported in different gospels come out in entirely different ways. Particularly problematic are the birth narratives, the calling of the first disciples and the resurrection accounts.

This is of course what you’d expect of eyewitness reporting, and it actually gives the ring of authenticity to the gospel accounts. But it does remove the claim of inerrancy. People don’t remember perfectly, even apparently when aided by the Holy Spirit.

Misquoting scripture

There are other mistakes too. The author of Matthew’s gospel is notorious for misquoting Old Testament passages. Most notable is his ‘he shall be called a Nazarene’ (Matt 2:23), for which no source has been found, and the mangled quote from Jeremiah about the potter’s field (Matt 27:9).

Matthew’s nativity references to ‘out of Egypt I called my son’ and ‘Rachel will not be comforted’ are also questionable in their claim that these passages are fulfilled in Jesus’ life. That’s not to say that the quotations are wrong exactly, but they belong to a very different interpretive tradition to the literalist, fundamentalist model. And other NT authors also use OT quotations in similar ways, which may be valid but which are certainly not following the ‘plain’ meaning of the text.

Some NT authors also quote apocryphal works, or even in Paul’s case racist pagan poets (‘All Cretans are liars’, Titus 1:12)! This raises the question of whether the Bible endorses these sources as inspired – given that many evangelicals argue that Jesus quoting from the OT endorses it as ‘God’s Word’.


Of course there are various well-known proof-texts for inerrancy, in particular ‘all Scripture is God-breathed’ (2 Tim 3:16). I’ll try and deal with these another time, but I don’t believe most of them do mean what inerrantists claim. And as these text are all taken from within the Bible, the argument is circular anyway.

There are also certain scriptural passages that undermine the case for inerrancy. The classic is Paul’s ‘I say, not the Lord’ in 1 Cor 7:12 – stating that these particular words at least are not God’s.

Similarly, Proverbs 30:5 refers to God’s words being flawless, but this is clearly not meant to refer to the words of the proverb itself.

And then there are the troubling footnotes in the Bible which acknowledge that the earliest manuscripts don’t have the end of Mark’s gospel, or the section in John 8 with the woman caught in adultery. There are the frequent notes acknowledging that the meaning is unclear or that there are different versions in different sources. There are also some troubling questions over the authorship and authenticity of some of the letters which bear Paul’s name – including the one from which the ‘God-breathed’ quotation comes.

The canon

It’s also worth recalling that the whole biblical canon wasn’t set in stone for the first two centuries or so after Christ. Heated dispute raged over which books should actually be in the Bible, a debate which did not cease when the canon was officially decided. Roman Catholics have extra books in their Bibles. Martin Luther wanted to lose the epistle of James. Others have questioned the inclusion of Revelation, and of Jude.

We have to take largely on trust that the books in the Bible are the ‘right’ ones; not all Christians, not even all prominent Protestants have agreed. There are reasonable reasons for a working acceptance that the canon we have is good and sufficient (at least adequate), but we can’t use the Bible itself to prove this.

The canon of scripture is the product of the Christian community, as well (we trust) as the Holy Spirit. It was arrived at through argument and prayer, in the context of relationship and of spiritual living. All this is in many ways a model for how the whole of scripture works, and how the interpretation of scripture works. It’s not divinely imposed and fixed but worked out (and continuously re-worked) in relationship and practice.

Not inerrant, but still useful

None of this is to say that we can dismiss whichever chunks of the Bible don’t fit with our preferred theology. It’s simply to underscore that the Bible isn’t inerrant or perfect in the sense that some modern evangelicals require.

I don’t wish to overplay ‘errancy’. I’m not saying the Bible’s a load of rubbish or that most of it’s false, or that the errors it contains are huge and deeply problematic. On the contrary, I’d suggest that the Bible is still for the most part good and useful, and even true – depending on what you mean by truth. It just isn’t perfect – or not in the way we’ve mistakenly demanded of it.

So next time, alternative ways of looking at truth and perfection – and why losing our belief in a perfect Bible needn’t mean losing our faith.

About TheEvangelicalLiberal

Aka Harvey Edser. I'm a web editor, worship leader, wannabe writer, very amateur composer and highly unqualified armchair theologian. My heroes include C.S. Lewis and Homer Simpson.
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12 Responses to Is the Bible inerrant?

  1. jesuswithoutbaggage says:

    This is a very good article, Harvey. And I very much look forward to the next article you mention.


    • jesuswithoutbaggage says:

      You covered a lot of ground and did it really well.


      • Thanks Tim! It’s something I’ve been thinking about on and off for years. It used to worry me terribly that the Bible wasn’t ‘perfect’, but now it doesn’t really bother me at all. And I’d love others to see that we don’t have to discard our faith in Christ just because the Bible isn’t flawless in the way we’ve been taught. In fact, we can have a deeper and freer faith because it’s not bound up with trying to rigidly obey ancient rules and religious customs that no longer apply to us.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. tonycutty says:

    I’ve never heard an inerrantist give a proof-text for inerrancy (and I’m sure I never will). You’d have thought there would have been one, wouldn’t you?

    Sure there’s the old chestnut 2Tim 3:16, but that’s more about inspiration than inerrancy, which, as you correctly point out, are not the same thing.

    Inerrancy is a man-made idea, pure and simple!


    • tonycutty says:

      just to clarify, I mean I have never heard an inerrantist give a clear, indisputable proof-text that could mean nothing else other than inerrancy.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Tony, yes, I’ve heard lots of supposed proof-texts but I don’t believe that any of them actually refer to biblical inerrancy when you look at them in context. Almost all of them turn out to refer to God’s faithfulness or unchanging character rather than to the content of the Bible. One or two refer to fulfilment of scriptural prophecy. For completists like me, I’m planning a kind of appendix post to this series where I go through all the supposed inerrancy proof-texts and show that they aren’t. 🙂

        In any case, you could never show the Bible was error-free by quoting from the Bible unless you’d already accepted that the Bible was error-free…

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: The Best Blog Posts I Read in November-December | Jesus Without Baggage

  4. Pingback: An Excellent Series on the Bible | Flying in the Spirit

  5. Cody Cox says:

    Hi, I am a Christian who used to believe that the Bible was perfect because some preacher on TV said it was. As a matter of fact he very arrogantly stated that if there is anything in it that contradicts itself or even if there are any mistakes in it then it’s all garbage and it should all be thrown away or burned. I don’t believe that’s the case anymore because I still believe it is good. I have found scripture though that I haven’t been able to find anyone who can explain. No study Bible that I’ve ever read even addresses it. There are 3 of them actually. The first is in Genesis 1:26-28. God says let us make man in OUR image. Then it says male and female he created THEM. Then in chapter 2:20-23 there seems to be a completely different account. It also really doesn’t sit right with me that in Genesis 4:16-17 after Cain killed his brother and left the Lord’s presence he lay with his wife. At that point there was only 4 people on the Earth. Another one that has me stumped is in 1 Corinthians 14:22-25 it clearly states that tongues are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers. Then it also clearly states that prophecy is a sign for believers, NOT for unbelievers. Then the author, Paul, I believe gives two clear examples that completely contradict what he just got through saying. He says that if everyone is talking in tongues in a church an unbeliever will think that you’re all crazy. He does the exact same thing with prophecy in the same paragraph. He says that if an unbeliever comes in while everyone is prophesying he will be convinced he is a sinner and will fall down and worship God. Maybe Paul was just really tired when he wrote that chapter, but what really bothers me about it is that nobody can explain it to me and I’ve had pastors get mad at me for asking the questions or they say they’ll say they will get back to me on it and never do. There is more one more in one of the Gospels that Jesus says that there are people standing here today who will not die before the end comes. I don’t remember exactly where it is but to the best of my knowledge they’re all dead now. if you or anyone else who reads this sight can explain these scriptures to me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for having this sight to discuss these things.

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